📄️ awslambda
Deprecated in favor of the `package` goal.
📄️ binary
Deprecated in favor of the `package` goal.
📄️ count-loc
Count lines of code.
📄️ dependees
List all targets that depend on any of the input files/targets.
📄️ dependencies
List the dependencies of the input files/targets.
📄️ filedeps
List all source and BUILD files a target depends on.
📄️ filter
Filter the input targets based on various criteria.
📄️ fmt
Autoformat source code.
📄️ lint
Run all linters and/or formatters in check mode.
📄️ list
Lists all targets matching the file or target arguments.
📄️ package
Create a distributable package.
📄️ repl
Open a REPL with the specified code loadable.
📄️ roots
List the repo's registered source roots.
📄️ run
Runs a binary target.
📄️ setup-py
Deprecated in favor of the `package` goal.
📄️ test
Run tests.
📄️ typecheck
Run type checkers.
📄️ validate
Validate sources against regexes.