📄️ check
Run type checking or the lightest variant of compilation available for a language.
📄️ count-loc
Count lines of code.
📄️ dependees
List all targets that depend on any of the input files/targets.
📄️ dependencies
List the dependencies of the input files/targets.
📄️ experimental-bsp
Run server for Build Server Protocol (https://build-server-protocol.github.io/).
📄️ export-codegen
Write generated files to `dist/codegen` for use outside of Pants.
📄️ export
Export Pants data for use in other tools, such as IDEs.
📄️ filedeps
List all source and BUILD files a target depends on.
📄️ filter
Filter the input targets based on various criteria.
📄️ fmt
Autoformat source code.
📄️ generate-lockfiles
Generate lockfiles for Python third-party dependencies.
📄️ generate-user-lockfile
Deprecated: use the option `[python].resolves` and the `generate-lockfiles` goal instead
📄️ help-advanced
Help for advanced options.
📄️ help-all
Print a JSON object containing all help info.
📄️ help
Display usage message.
📄️ lint
Run all linters and/or formatters in check mode.
📄️ list
Lists all targets matching the file or target arguments.
📄️ package
Create a distributable package.
📄️ paths
List the paths between two addresses.
📄️ peek
Display BUILD target info
📄️ publish
Publish deliverables (assets, distributions, images, etc).
📄️ py-constraints
Determine what Python interpreter constraints are used by files/targets.
📄️ repl
Open a REPL with the specified code loadable.
📄️ roots
List the repo's registered source roots.
📄️ run
Runs a binary target.
📄️ tailor
Auto-generate BUILD file targets for new source files.
📄️ test
Run tests.
📄️ update-build-files
Format and fix safe deprecations in BUILD files.
📄️ validate
Deprecated: to use, set `[regex-lint].config` and run with the `lint` goal
📄️ version
Display Pants version.