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Version: 2.11 (deprecated)

Union rules (advanced)

Polymorphism for the engine.

Union rules solve the same problem that polymorphism solves in general: how to write generic code that operates on types not known about at the time of writing.

For example, Pants has many generic goals like lint and test. Those @goal_rule definitions cannot know about every concrete linter or test implementation ahead-of-time.

Unions allow a specific linter to be registered with UnionRule(LintTargetsRequest, ShellcheckRequest), and then for to access its type:

from pants.engine.rules import Get, MultiGet, goal_rule
from import Targets
from pants.engine.unions import UnionMembership


async def lint(..., targets: Targets, union_membership: UnionMembership) -> Lint:
lint_request_types = union_membership[LintTargetsRequest]
concrete_requests = [
for target in targets
if request_type.field_set_type.is_valid(target)
for request_type in lint_request_types
results = await MultiGet(
Get(LintResults, LintTargetsRequest, concrete_request)
for concrete_request in concrete_requests

This example will find all registered linter implementations by looking up union_membership[LintTargetsRequest], which returns a tuple of all LintTargetsRequest types that were registered with a UnionRule, such as ShellcheckRequest and Flake8Request.

How to create a new Union

To set up a new union, create a class for the union "base". Typically, this should be an abstract class that is subclassed by the union members, but it does not need to be. Mark the class with @union.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from pants.engine.unions import union

class Vehicle(ABC):
def num_wheels(self) -> int:

Then, register every implementation of your union with UnionRule:

class Truck(Vehicle):
def num_wheels(self) -> int:
return 4

def rules():
return [UnionRule(Vehicle, Truck)]

Now, your rules can request UnionMembership as a parameter in the @rule, and then look up union_membership[Vehicle] to get a tuple of all relevant types that are registered via UnionRule.