📄️ adhoc_tool
Execute any runnable target for its side effects.
📄️ archive
A ZIP or TAR file containing loose files and code packages.
📄️ avro_source
A single Avro file used to generate various languages.
📄️ avro_sources
Generate a `avro_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ cc_source
A single C/C++ source file or header file.
📄️ cc_sources
Generate a `cc_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ code_quality_tool
Configure a runnable to use as a linter, fixer or formatter
📄️ cue_package
The `cue_package` target defines a CUE package. Within a module, CUE organizes files grouped by package. A package can be defined within the module or externally. Definitions and constraints can be split across files within a package, and even organized across directories.
📄️ debian_package
A Debian package containing an artifact.
📄️ deploy_jar
A `jar` file with first and third-party code bundled for deploys.
📄️ docker_environment
Configuration of a Docker environment used for building your code.
📄️ docker_image
The `docker_image` target describes how to build and tag a Docker image.
📄️ experimental_test_shell_command
Run a script as a test via the `test` goal, with all dependencies packaged/copied available in the chroot.
📄️ experimental_workspace_environment
Configuration of a "workspace" execution environment for specific platforms.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_go_package_sources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `GoPackageSourcesField`.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_java_sources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `JavaSourceField`.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_kotlin_sources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `KotlinSourceField`.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_python_sources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `PythonSourceField`.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_resources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `ResourceSourceField`.
📄️ experimental_wrap_as_scala_sources
Allow files and sources produced by the targets specified by `inputs` to be consumed by rules that specifically expect a `ScalaSourceField`.
📄️ file
A single loose file that lives outside of code packages.
📄️ files
Generate a `file` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ go_binary
A Go binary.
📄️ go_mod
A first-party Go module (corresponding to a `go.mod` file).
📄️ go_package
A first-party Go package (corresponding to a directory with `.go` files).
📄️ go_third_party_package
A package from a third-party Go module.
📄️ helm_artifact
A third party Helm artifact.
📄️ helm_chart
A Helm chart.
📄️ helm_deployment
A Helm chart deployment.
📄️ helm_unittest_test
A single helm-unittest suite file.
📄️ helm_unittest_tests
Generates a `helm_unittest_test` target per each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ java_source
A single Java source file containing application or library code.
📄️ java_sources
Generate a `java_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ javascript_source
A single Javascript source file.
📄️ javascript_sources
Generate a `javascript_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ javascript_test
A single Javascript test file.
📄️ javascript_tests
Generate a `javascript_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ jsx_source
A single JSX source file.
📄️ jsx_sources
Generate a `jsx_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ jsx_test
A single JSX test file.
📄️ jsx_tests
Generate a `jsx_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ junit_test
A single Java test, run with JUnit.
📄️ junit_tests
Generate a `junit_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ jvm_artifact
A third-party JVM artifact, as identified by its Maven-compatible coordinate.
📄️ jvm_artifacts
Generate a `jvm_artifact` target for each dependency in pom.xml file.
📄️ jvm_war
A JSR 154 "web application archive" (or "war") with first-party and third-party code bundled for deploys in Java Servlet containers.
📄️ kotlin_junit_test
A single Kotlin test, run with JUnit.
📄️ kotlin_junit_tests
Generate a `kotlin_junit_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ kotlin_source
A single Kotlin source file containing application or library code.
📄️ kotlin_sources
Generate a `kotlin_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ kotlinc_plugin
A plugin for `kotlinc`.
📄️ local_environment
Configuration of a local execution environment for specific platforms.
📄️ makeself_archive
Self-extractable archive on Unix using [makeself](https://github.com/megastep/makeself) tool.
📄️ nfpm_apk_package
An APK system package (Alpine Package Keeper) built by nFPM.
📄️ nfpm_archlinux_package
An Archlinux system package built by nFPM.
📄️ nfpm_content_dir
A directory in an nFPM package (created on package install).
📄️ nfpm_content_dirs
Multiple directories in an nFPM package (created on package install).
📄️ nfpm_content_file
A file (of any type) that should be copied into an nFPM package.
📄️ nfpm_content_files
Multiple files that should be copied into an nFPM package.
📄️ nfpm_content_symlink
A symlink in an nFPM package (created on package install).
📄️ nfpm_content_symlinks
Multiple symlinks in an nFPM package (created on package install).