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Version: 2.26 (dev)


Package manager lockfile integration

Third-party dependencies are specified in the package.json fields. All package managers vendors a lockfile format specific for the package manager you are using. Pants knows of this lockfile and models it as a "resolve".

Resolves is the only way to deal with dependencies within pants, and no extra configuration is required.

You can however name your resolves/lockfiles. The resolve name is otherwise auto-generated.

backend_packages.add = [

package-lock.json = "my-lock"

You generate the lockfile as follows:

$ pants generate-lockfiles
19:00:39.26 [INFO] Completed: Generate lockfile for my-lock
19:00:39.29 [INFO] Wrote lockfile for the resolve `my-lock` to package-lock.json

Using lockfiles for tools

To ensure that the same version of tooling you have specified in package.json is used with a NodeJS powered tool, specify the resolve name for the tool. E.g., for the Prettier linter:

backend_packages.add = [

install_from_resolve = "nodejs-default"