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Version: 2.26 (dev)

Making a tool exportable

How to make a tool exportable with the export goal.

Backends that implement the export goal can indicate binaries that should be exported. These will have their contents exported to a subfolder in the dist/bins directory, and the binary itself will be linked in dist/bin.

Downloadable Tools

Subclasses of ExternalTool (including TemplatedExternalTool) have the logic for exporting implemented. Tools are marked for export as follows:

  1. Implement ExternalTool.generate_exe if the default is not correct. For instance, a tool downloaded might include a binary, a readme, and a license. This method will point to the binary within the downloaded files.

  2. Register a UnionRule with ExportableTool. For example, UnionRule(ExportableTool, FortranLint)

Implementing for new backends

Backends need to implement:

  1. A subclass of ExportRequest
class ExportExternalToolRequest(ExportRequest):
  1. A rule from this subclass to ExportResults
async def export_external_tools(
request: ExportExternalToolRequest, export: ExportSubsystem
) -> ExportResults:
  1. Inside of that rule, fill the ExportResult.exported_binaries field.
description=f"Export tool {req.resolve}",
exported_binaries=(ExportedBinary(name=Path(exe).name, path_in_export=exe),),
  1. For every tool, mark it for export registering a UnionRule with ExportableTool.
def rules():
return [
`UnionRule(ExportableTool, FortranLint)`,