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Version: 2.26 (dev)


def node_test_script(entry_point: 'str' = 'test', report_args: 'Iterable[str]' = (), report_output_files: 'Iterable[str]' = (), report_output_directories: 'Iterable[str]' = (), coverage_args: 'Iterable[str]' = (), coverage_output_files: 'Iterable[str]' = (), coverage_output_directories: 'Iterable[str]' = (), coverage_entry_point: 'str | None' = None) -> 'NodeTestScript': ...

The test script for this package, mapped from the scripts section of a package.json file. The pointed to script should accept a variadic number of ([ARG]...) path arguments.

This entry point is the "test" script, by default.