📄️ add-trailing-comma
The add-trailing-comma Python code formatter (https://github.com/asottile/add-trailing-comma).
📄️ anonymous-telemetry
Options related to sending anonymous stats to the Pants project, to aid development.
📄️ apache-thrift
Apache Thrift IDL compiler (https://thrift.apache.org/).
📄️ autoflake
The Autoflake Python code formatter (https://github.com/myint/autoflake).
📄️ avro
General Avro codegen settings.
📄️ bandit
A tool for finding security issues in Python code (https://bandit.readthedocs.io).
📄️ black
The Black Python code formatter (https://black.readthedocs.io/).
📄️ buf
A linter and formatter for Protocol Buffers (https://github.com/bufbuild/buf).
📄️ build-deprecations-fixer
A tool/plugin for fixing BUILD file deprecations (where possible).
📄️ buildifier
Buildifier is a tool for formatting BUILD files with a standard convention.
📄️ cc-external
Options for downloaded `cc` toolchain.
📄️ cc-infer
Options controlling which dependencies will be inferred for CC targets.
📄️ cc
Options for a system-discovered `cc` toolchain.
📄️ changed
Tell Pants to detect what files and targets have changed from Git.
📄️ clang-format
The clang-format utility for formatting C/C++ (and others) code (https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html). The clang-format binaries are retrieved from PyPi (https://pypi.org/project/clang-format/).
📄️ cli
Options for configuring CLI behavior, such as command line aliases.
📄️ coursier
A dependency resolver for the Maven ecosystem. (https://get-coursier.io/)
📄️ coverage-py
Configuration for Python test coverage measurement.
📄️ cue
CUE is an open-source data validation language and inference engine with its roots in logic programming. Although the language is not a general-purpose programming language, it has many applications, such as data validation, data templating, configuration, querying, code generation and even scripting. The inference engine can be used to validate data in code or to include it as part of a code generation pipeline.
📄️ debug-adapter
Options used to configure and launch a Debug Adapter server.
📄️ debugpy
An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python (https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy).
📄️ docformatter
The Python docformatter tool (https://github.com/myint/docformatter).
📄️ docker
Options for interacting with Docker.
📄️ dockerfile-parser
Used to parse Dockerfile build specs to infer their dependencies.
📄️ download-terraform
Terraform (https://terraform.io)
📄️ environments-preview
A highly experimental subsystem to allow setting environment variables and executable search paths for different environments, e.g. macOS vs. Linux.
📄️ filter
Filter the input targets based on various criteria.
📄️ flake8
The Flake8 Python linter (https://flake8.pycqa.org/).
📄️ go-test
Options for Go tests.
📄️ go-vet
`go vet`-specific options.
📄️ gofmt
Gofmt-specific options.
📄️ golang
Options for Golang support.
📄️ golangci-lint
A fast Go linters runner
📄️ google-java-format
Google Java Format (https://github.com/google/google-java-format)
📄️ grpc-python-plugin
The gRPC Protobuf plugin for Python.
📄️ hadolint
A linter for Dockerfiles.
📄️ helm-infer
Options controlling which dependencies will be inferred for Helm targets.
📄️ helm-k8s-parser
Analyses K8S manifests rendered by Helm.
📄️ helm-post-renderer
Used perform modifications to the final output produced by Helm charts when they've been fully rendered.
📄️ helm-unittest
BDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin. (https://github.com/helm-unittest)
📄️ helm
The Helm command line (https://helm.sh)
📄️ ipython
The IPython enhanced REPL (https://ipython.org/).