📄️ archive
A ZIP or TAR file containing loose files and code packages.
📄️ files
Loose files that live outside code packages.
📄️ mypy_source_plugin
A MyPy plugin loaded through source code.
📄️ pex_binary
A Python target that can be converted into an executable PEX file.
📄️ protobuf_library
Protobuf files used to generate various languages.
📄️ pylint_source_plugin
A Pylint plugin loaded through source code.
📄️ python_awslambda
A self-contained Python function suitable for uploading to AWS Lambda.
📄️ python_distribution
A publishable Python setuptools distribution (e.g. an sdist or wheel).
📄️ python_library
Python source code.
📄️ python_requirement_library
Python requirements installable by pip.
📄️ python_tests
Python tests.
📄️ relocated_files
Loose files with path manipulation applied.
📄️ resources
Data emebdded in a code package and accessed in a location-independent manner.
📄️ target
A generic target with no specific type.