📄️ anonymous-telemetry
Options related to sending anonymous stats to the Pants project, to aid development.
📄️ apache-thrift
Apache Thrift IDL compiler (https://thrift.apache.org/).
📄️ autoflake
The Autoflake Python code formatter (https://github.com/myint/autoflake).
📄️ bandit
A tool for finding security issues in Python code (https://bandit.readthedocs.io).
📄️ black
The Black Python code formatter (https://black.readthedocs.io/).
📄️ buf
A linter and formatter for Protocol Buffers (https://github.com/bufbuild/buf).
📄️ changed
Tell Pants to detect what files and targets have changed from Git.
📄️ cli
Options for configuring CLI behavior, such as command line aliases.
📄️ coursier
A dependency resolver for the Maven ecosystem.
📄️ coverage-py
Configuration for Python test coverage measurement.
📄️ docformatter
The Python docformatter tool (https://github.com/myint/docformatter).
📄️ docker
Options for interacting with Docker.
📄️ dockerfile-parser
Used to parse Dockerfile build specs to infer their dependencies.
📄️ download-terraform
Terraform (https://terraform.io)
📄️ flake8
The Flake8 Python linter (https://flake8.pycqa.org/).
📄️ go-test
Options for Go tests.
📄️ gofmt
Gofmt-specific options.
📄️ golang
Options for Golang support.
📄️ google-java-format
Google Java Format (https://github.com/google/google-java-format)
📄️ grpc-python-plugin
The gRPC Protobuf plugin for Python.
📄️ hadolint
A linter for Dockerfiles.
📄️ helm
The Helm command line (https://helm.sh)
📄️ ipython
The IPython enhanced REPL (https://ipython.org/).
📄️ isort
The Python import sorter tool (https://pycqa.github.io/isort/).
📄️ java-infer
Options controlling which dependencies will be inferred for Java targets.
📄️ javac
The javac Java source compiler.
📄️ junit
The JUnit test framework (https://junit.org)
📄️ jvm
Options for general JVM functionality.
📄️ lambdex
A tool for turning .pex files into Function-as-a-Service artifacts (https://github.com/pantsbuild/lambdex).
📄️ mypy-protobuf
Configuration of the mypy-protobuf type stub generation plugin.
📄️ mypy
The MyPy Python type checker (http://mypy-lang.org/).