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Version: 2.15 (deprecated)


A single Protobuf file used to generate various languages.

See language-specific docs: Python: Go:

Backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python



A single file that belongs to this target.

Path is relative to the BUILD file's directory, e.g. source='example.ext'.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Addresses to other targets that this target depends on, e.g. ['helloworld/subdir:lib', 'helloworld/', '3rdparty:reqs#django'].

This augments any dependencies inferred by Pants, such as by analyzing your imports. Use /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants dependencies or /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants peek on this target to get the final result.

See for more about how addresses are formed, including for generated targets. You can also run /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants list :: to find all addresses in your project, or /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants list dir to find all addresses defined in that directory.

If the target is in the same BUILD file, you can leave off the BUILD file path, e.g. :tgt instead of helloworld/subdir:tgt. For generated first-party addresses, use ./ for the file path, e.g. ./; for all other generated targets, use :tgt#generated_name.

You may exclude dependencies by prefixing with !, e.g. ['!helloworld/subdir:lib', '!./sibling.txt']. Ignores are intended for false positives with dependency inference; otherwise, simply leave off the dependency from the BUILD file.


str | None
default: None

A human-readable description of the target.

Use /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants list --documented :: to see all targets with descriptions.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.codegen.protobuf.go

Address of the go_mod target representing the Go module that this target is part of.

This field is similar to the resolve field used in the Python and JVM backends. If a codegen target such as protobuf_sources will be used in multiple Go modules, then you should use the parametrize built-in to parametrize that protobuf_sources target for each Go module.

If there is a single go_mod target in the repository, then this field defaults to the address for that single go_mod target.


default: False

Whether to generate gRPC code or not.


str | None
default: None

The major version of the JDK that this target should be built with. If not defined, will default to [jvm].default_source_jdk.


str | None
default: None

The resolve from [jvm].resolves to use when compiling this target.

If not defined, will default to [jvm].default_resolve.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The Python interpreters this code is compatible with.

Each element should be written in pip-style format, e.g. CPython==2.7.* or CPython>=3.6,<4. You can leave off CPython as a shorthand, e.g. >=2.7 will be expanded to CPython>=2.7.

Specify more than one element to OR the constraints, e.g. ['PyPy==3.7.*', 'CPython==3.7.*'] means either PyPy 3.7 or CPython 3.7.

If the field is not set, it will default to the option [python].interpreter_constraints.

See for how these interpreter constraints are merged with the constraints of dependencies.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The resolve from [python].resolves to use.

If not defined, will default to [python].default_resolve.

All dependencies must share the same value for their resolve field.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The source root to generate Python sources under.

If unspecified, the source root the protobuf_sources is under will be used.


default: False
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.lint.buf

If true, don't run buf format on this target's code.


default: False
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.lint.buf

If true, don't run buf lint on this target's code.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Arbitrary strings to describe a target.

For example, you may tag some test targets with 'integration_test' so that you could run /home/josh/work/scie-pants/dist/pants --tag='integration_test' test :: to only run on targets with that tag.