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Version: 2.25 (prerelease)


A single Protobuf file used to generate various languages.

See language-specific docs: Python: Go:

Backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python



A single file that belongs to this target.

Path is relative to the BUILD file's directory, e.g. source='example.ext'.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Addresses to other targets that this target depends on, e.g. ['helloworld/subdir:lib', 'helloworld/', '3rdparty:reqs#django'].

This augments any dependencies inferred by Pants, such as by analyzing your imports. Use pants dependencies or pants peek on this target to get the final result.

See for more about how addresses are formed, including for generated targets. You can also run pants list :: to find all addresses in your project, or pants list dir to find all addresses defined in that directory.

If the target is in the same BUILD file, you can leave off the BUILD file path, e.g. :tgt instead of helloworld/subdir:tgt. For generated first-party addresses, use ./ for the file path, e.g. ./; for all other generated targets, use :tgt#generated_name.

You may exclude dependencies by prefixing with !, e.g. ['!helloworld/subdir:lib', '!./sibling.txt']. Ignores are intended for false positives with dependency inference; otherwise, simply leave off the dependency from the BUILD file.


str | None
default: None

A human-readable description of the target.

Use pants list --documented :: to see all targets with descriptions.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.codegen.protobuf.go

Address of the go_mod target representing the Go module that this target is part of.

This field is similar to the resolve field used in the Python and JVM backends. If a codegen target such as protobuf_sources will be used in multiple Go modules, then you should use the parametrize built-in to parametrize that protobuf_sources target for each Go module.

If there is a single go_mod target in the repository, then this field defaults to the address for that single go_mod target.


default: False

Whether to generate gRPC code or not.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.codegen.protobuf.scala

The major version of the JDK that this target should be built with. If not defined, will default to [jvm].default_source_jdk.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.codegen.protobuf.scala

The resolve from [jvm].resolves to use when compiling this target.

If not defined, will default to [jvm].default_resolve.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The Python interpreters this code is compatible with.

Each element should be written in pip-style format, e.g. CPython==2.7.* or CPython>=3.6,<4. You can leave off CPython as a shorthand, e.g. >=2.7 will be expanded to CPython>=2.7.

Specify more than one element to OR the constraints, e.g. ['PyPy==3.7.*', 'CPython==3.7.*'] means either PyPy 3.7 or CPython 3.7.

If the field is not set, it will default to the option [python].interpreter_constraints.

See for how these interpreter constraints are merged with the constraints of dependencies.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The resolve from [python].resolves to use.

If not defined, will default to [python].default_resolve.

All dependencies must share the same value for their resolve field.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.python

The source root to generate Python sources under.

If unspecified, the source root the protobuf_sources is under will be used.


default: False
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.lint.buf

If true, don't run buf format on this target's code.


default: False
backend: pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.lint.buf

If true, don't run buf lint on this target's code.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Arbitrary strings to describe a target.

For example, you may tag some test targets with 'integration_test' so that you could run pants --tag='integration_test' test :: to only run on targets with that tag.