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Version: 2.25 (prerelease)


The cue_package target defines a CUE package. Within a module, CUE organizes files grouped by package. A package can be defined within the module or externally. Definitions and constraints can be split across files within a package, and even organized across directories.

CUE docs:

Backend: pants.backend.experimental.cue


str | None
default: None

A human-readable description of the target.

Use pants list --documented :: to see all targets with descriptions.


Iterable[str] | None
default: ('*.cue',)

A list of files and globs that belong to this target.

Paths are relative to the BUILD file's directory. You can ignore files/globs by prefixing them with !.

Example: sources=['schema.cue', 'lib/**/*.cue']


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Arbitrary strings to describe a target.

For example, you may tag some test targets with 'integration_test' so that you could run pants --tag='integration_test' test :: to only run on targets with that tag.