📄️ bandit
A tool for finding security issues in Python code (https://bandit.readthedocs.io).
📄️ black
The Black Python code formatter (https://black.readthedocs.io/).
📄️ changed
Tell Pants to detect what files and targets have changed from Git.
📄️ coverage-py
Configuration for Python test coverage measurement.
📄️ docformatter
The Python docformatter tool (https://github.com/myint/docformatter).
📄️ download-pex-bin
The PEX (Python EXecutable) tool (https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex).
📄️ flake8
The Flake8 Python linter (https://flake8.pycqa.org/).
📄️ grpc_python_plugin
The gRPC Protobuf plugin for Python.
📄️ ipython
The IPython enhanced REPL (https://ipython.org/).
📄️ isort
The Python import sorter tool (https://timothycrosley.github.io/isort/).
📄️ lambdex
A tool for turning .pex files into AWS Lambdas (https://github.com/wickman/lambdex).
📄️ mypy
The MyPy Python type checker (http://mypy-lang.org/).
📄️ pex-binary-defaults
Default settings for creating PEX executables.
📄️ pex
How Pants uses Pex to run Python subprocesses.
📄️ protoc
The protocol buffer compiler (https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers).
📄️ pylint
The Pylint linter for Python code (https://www.pylint.org/).
📄️ pytest
The pytest Python test framework (https://docs.pytest.org/).
📄️ python-infer
Options controlling which dependencies will be inferred for Python targets.
📄️ python-native-code
Options for building native code using Python, e.g. when resolving distributions.
📄️ python-protobuf
Options related to the Protobuf Python backend.
📄️ python-repos
External Python code repositories, such as PyPI.
📄️ python-setup
Options for Pants's Python support.
📄️ scc
The Succinct Code Counter, aka `scc` (https://github.com/boyter/scc).
📄️ setup-py-generation
Options to control how setup.py is generated from a `python_distribution` target.
📄️ setuptools
The Python setuptools library (https://github.com/pypa/setuptools).
📄️ source
Configuration for roots of source trees.
📄️ sourcefile-validation
Configuration for source file validation.
📄️ subprocess-environment
Environment settings for forked subprocesses.