📄️ archive
A ZIP or TAR file containing loose files and code packages.
📄️ coursier_lockfile
A Coursier lockfile along with references to the artifacts to use for the lockfile.
📄️ deploy_jar
A `jar` file that contains the compiled source code along with its dependency class files, where the compiled class files from all dependency JARs, along with first-party class files, exist in a common directory structure.
📄️ docker_image
The `docker_image` target describes how to build and tag a Docker image.
📄️ experimental_run_shell_command
Run a script in the workspace, with all dependencies packaged/copied into a chroot.
📄️ experimental_shell_command
Execute any external tool for its side effects.
📄️ file
A single loose file that lives outside of code packages.
📄️ files
Generate a `file` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ go_binary
A Go binary.
📄️ go_first_party_package
A Go package (corresponding to a directory with `.go` files).
📄️ go_mod
A first-party Go module (corresponding to a `go.mod` file).
📄️ go_third_party_package
A package from a third-party Go module.
📄️ java_source
A single Java source file containing application or library code.
📄️ java_sources
Generate a `java_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ junit_test
A single Java test, run with JUnit.
📄️ junit_tests
Generate a `junit_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ jvm_artifact
Represents a third-party JVM artifact as identified by its Maven-compatible coordinate, that is, its `group`, `artifact`, and `version` components.
📄️ pex_binary
A Python target that can be converted into an executable PEX file.
📄️ protobuf_source
A single Protobuf file used to generate various languages.
📄️ protobuf_sources
Generate a `protobuf_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ python_awslambda
A self-contained Python function suitable for uploading to AWS Lambda.
📄️ python_distribution
A publishable Python setuptools distribution (e.g. an sdist or wheel).
📄️ python_requirement
A Python requirement installable by pip.
📄️ python_source
A single Python source file.
📄️ python_sources
Generate a `python_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ python_test
A single Python test file, written in either Pytest style or unittest style.
📄️ python_test_utils
Generate a `python_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ python_tests
Generate a `python_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ relocated_files
Loose files with path manipulation applied.
📄️ resource
A single resource file embedded in a code package and accessed in a location-independent manner.
📄️ resources
Generate a `resource` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ shell_source
A single Bourne-based shell script, e.g. a Bash script.
📄️ shell_sources
Generate a `shell_source` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ shunit2_test
A single test file for Bourne-based shell scripts using the shunit2 test framework.
📄️ shunit2_tests
Generate a `shunit2_test` target for each file in the `sources` field.
📄️ target
A generic target with no specific type.