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Version: 2.26 (dev)


A ZIP or TAR file containing loose files and code packages.

Backend: pants.core


'tar' | 'tar.bz2' | 'tar.gz' | 'tar.xz' | 'zip'

The type of archive file to be generated.


str | None
default: None

A human-readable description of the target.

Use pants list --documented :: to see all targets with descriptions.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Addresses to any file, files, or relocated_files targets to include in the archive, e.g. ["resources:logo"].

This is useful to include any loose files, like data files, image assets, or config files.

This will ignore any targets that are not file, files, or relocated_files targets.

If you instead want those files included in any packages specified in the packages field for this target, then use a resource or resources target and have the original package depend on the resources.


str | None
default: '${spec_path_normalized}/${target_name_normalized}${file_suffix}'

Where the built asset should be located.

This field supports the following template replacements:

  • ${spec_path_normalized}: The path to the target's directory ("spec path") with forward slashes replaced by dots.

  • ${target_name_normalized}: The target's name with paramaterizations escaped by replacing dots with underscores.

  • ${file_suffix}: For target's which produce single file artifacts, this is the file type suffix to use with a leading dot, and is empty otherwise when not applicable.

If undefined, this will use the path to the BUILD file, followed by the target name. For example, src/python/project:app would be src.python.project/app.ext. This behavior corresponds to the default template: ${spec_path_normalized}/${target_name_normalized}${file_suffix}

When running pants package, this path will be prefixed by --distdir (e.g. dist/).

Warning: setting this value risks naming collisions with other package targets you may have.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Addresses to any targets that can be built with pants package, e.g. ["project:app"].

Pants will build the assets as if you had run pants package. It will include the results in your archive using the same name they would normally have, but without the --distdir prefix (e.g. dist/).

You can include anything that can be built by pants package, e.g. a pex_binary, python_awslambda, or even another archive.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Arbitrary strings to describe a target.

For example, you may tag some test targets with 'integration_test' so that you could run pants --tag='integration_test' test :: to only run on targets with that tag.