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Version: 2.25 (prerelease)

Add a linter

How to add a new linter to the lint goal.

This guide assumes that you are running a linter that already exists outside of Pants as a stand-alone binary, such as running Shellcheck, Pylint, Checkstyle, or ESLint.

If you are instead writing your own linting logic inline, you can skip Step 1. In Step 3, you will not need to use Process. You may find Pants's regex-lint implementation helpful for how to integrate custom linting logic into Pants.

1. Install your linter

There are several ways for Pants to install your linter. See Installing tools. This example will use ExternalTool because there is already a pre-compiled binary for Shellcheck.

You will also likely want to register some options, like --config, --skip, and --args. Options are registered through a Subsystem. If you are using ExternalTool, this is already a subclass of Subsystem. Otherwise, create a subclass of Subsystem. Then, set the class property options_scope to the name of the tool, e.g. "shellcheck" or "eslint". Finally, add options from pants.option.option_types.

from pants.core.util_rules.external_tool import ExternalTool
from pants.engine.platform import Platform
from pants.option.option_types import ArgsListOption, SkipOption

class Shellcheck(ExternalTool):
"""A linter for shell scripts."""

options_scope = "shellcheck"
name = "ShellCheck"
default_version = "v0.8.0"
default_known_versions = [
"v0.8.0|macos_arm64 |e065d4afb2620cc8c1d420a9b3e6243c84ff1a693c1ff0e38f279c8f31e86634|4049756",
"v0.8.0|linux_arm64 |9f47bbff5624babfa712eb9d64ece14c6c46327122d0c54983f627ae3a30a4ac|2996468",

skip = SkipOption("lint")
args = ArgsListOption(example="-e SC20529")

def generate_url(self, plat: Platform) -> str:
plat_str = {
"macos_arm64": "darwin.x86_64",
"macos_x86_64": "darwin.x86_64",
"linux_arm64": "linux.aarch64",
"linux_x86_64": "linux.x86_64",
return (

def generate_exe(self, _: Platform) -> str:
return f"./shellcheck-{self.version}/shellcheck"

Set up a FieldSet and LintTargetsRequest

As described in Rules and the Target API, a FieldSet is a way to tell Pants which Fields you care about targets having for your plugin to work.

Usually, you should add a subclass of the Sources field to the class property required_fields, such as BashSources or PythonSources. This means that your linter will run on any target with that sources field or a subclass of it.

Create a new dataclass that subclasses FieldSet:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from import Dependencies, FieldSet


class ShellcheckFieldSet(FieldSet):
required_fields = (BashSources,)

sources: BashSources
dependencies: Dependencies

Then, hook this up to a new subclass of LintTargetsRequest:

from pants.core.goals.lint import LintTargetsRequest


class ShellcheckRequest(LintTargetsRequest):
field_set_type = ShellcheckFieldSet
tool_subsystem = Shellcheck

3. Create a rule for your linter logic

Your rule should take as a parameter ShellcheckRequest.Batch and the Subsystem (or ExternalTool) from step 1 (a Batch is an object containing a subset of all the matched field sets for your tool). It should return a LintResult:

from pants.engine.rules import rule
from pants.core.goals.lint import LintResult


async def run_shellcheck(
request: ShellcheckRequest, shellcheck: Shellcheck
) -> LintResult:
return LintResult.create(...)

The ShellcheckRequest.Batch instance has a property called .elements, which in this case, stores a collection of the FieldSets defined in step 2. Each FieldSet corresponds to a single target. Pants will have already validated that there is at least one valid FieldSet.

If you used ExternalTool in step 1, you will use Get(DownloadedExternalTool, ExternalToolRequest) to install the tool.

Typically, you will use Get(SourceFiles, SourceFilesRequest) to get all the sources you want to run your linter on.

If you have a --config option, you should use Get(Digest, PathGlobs) to find the config file and include it in the input_digest.

Use Get(Digest, MergeDigests) to combine the different inputs together, such as merging the source files, config file, and downloaded tool.

Usually, you will use Get(FallibleProcessResult, Process) to run a subprocess (see Processes). We use Fallible because Pants should not throw an exception if the linter returns a non-zero exit code. Then, you can use LintResult.from_fallible_process_result() to convert this into a LintResult.

from pants.core.goals.lint import LintTargetsRequest, LintResult, LintResults
from pants.core.util_rules.source_files import (
from pants.core.util_rules.external_tool import (
from pants.engine.fs import (
from pants.engine.platform import Platform
from pants.engine.process import FallibleProcessResult, Process
from pants.engine.rules import Get, MultiGet, rule
from pants.util.logging import LogLevel
from pants.util.strutil import pluralize


async def run_shellcheck(
request: ShellcheckRequest.Batch, shellcheck: Shellcheck, platform: Platform
) -> LintResult:
download_shellcheck_request = Get(

sources_request = Get(
SourceFilesRequest(field_set.sources for field_set in request.elements),

# If the user specified `--shellcheck-config`, we must search for the file they specified with
# `PathGlobs` to include it in the `input_digest`. We error if the file cannot be found.
config_digest_request = Get(
globs=[shellcheck.config] if shellcheck.config else [],
description_of_origin="the option `[shellcheck].config`",

downloaded_shellcheck, sources, config_digest = await MultiGet(
download_shellcheck_request, sources_request, config_digest_request

# The Process needs one single `Digest`, so we merge everything together.
input_digest = await Get(

process_result = await Get(
description=f"Run Shellcheck on {pluralize(len(request.elements), 'file')}.",
return LintResult.create(request, process_result)

At the bottom of your file, tell Pants about your rules:

def rules():
return [
UnionRule(ExportableTool, Shellcheck), # allows exporting the `shellcheck` binary

Finally, update your plugin's to activate this file's rules.

from bash import shellcheck

def rules():
return [*shellcheck.rules()]

Now, when you run pants lint ::, your new linter should run.

4. Add tests (optional)

Refer to Testing rules.

5. Make the tool exportable (optional)

Refer to Allowing tool export to allow users to export the tool for use in external programs.