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Version: 2.25 (prerelease)

Custom `python_artifact()` kwargs

How to add your own logic to python_artifact().

Pants can build Python distributions, such as wheels and sdists, from information you provide in a python_distribution target.

When doing so, and if you don't provide your own file, Pants generates one and passes it the kwargs provided in the provides=python_artifact(...) field to the setup(...) call (Pants also generates some of the kwargs, such as install_requires and namespace_packages by analyzing your code).

It's fairly common to want to generate more of the kwargs dynamically. For example, you may want to:

  • Reduce boilerplate by not repeating common kwargs across BUILD files.
  • Read from the file system to dynamically determine kwargs, such as the long_description or version.
  • Run processes like git to dynamically determine kwargs like version.

You can write a plugin to add custom kwarg generation logic.

Note: there may only be at most one applicable plugin per target customizing the kwargs for the setup() function.


See here for an example that Pants uses internally for its python_distribution targets. This plugin demonstrates reading from the file system to set the version and long_description kwargs, along with adding hardcoded kwargs.

  1. Set up a subclass of SetupKwargsRequest

Set the class method is_applicable() to determine whether your implementation should be used for the particular python_distribution target. If False, Pants will use the default implementation which simply uses the explicitly provided python_artifact from the BUILD file.

In this example, we will always use our custom implementation:

from pants.backend.python.util_rules.package_dists import SetupKwargsRequest
from import Target

class CustomSetupKwargsRequest(SetupKwargsRequest):
def is_applicable(cls, _: Target) -> bool:
return True

This example will only use our plugin implementation for python_distribution targets defined in the folder src/python/project1.

class CustomSetupKwargsRequest(SetupKwargsRequest):
def is_applicable(cls, target: Target) -> bool:
return target.address.spec.startswith("src/python/project1")

Then, register your new SetupKwargsRequest with a UnionRule so that Pants knows your implementation exists:

from pants.engine.rules import collect_rules
from pants.engine.unions import UnionRule


def rules():
return [
UnionRule(SetupKwargsRequest, CustomSetupKwargsRequest),
Consider defining custom python_distribution target types

If you don't want to always use a single custom implementation, an effective approach could be to create custom python_distribution target types so that your users decide which implementation they want to use in their BUILD files.

For example, a user could do this:



To support this workflow, create new target types.

class PantsPythonDistribution(Target):
alias = "pants_python_distribution"
core_fields = PythonDistribution.core_fields

class PantsContribPythonDistribution(Target):
alias = "pants_contrib_python_distribution"
core_fields = PythonDistribution.core_fields

Then, for each SetupKwargsRequest subclass, check which target type was used:

class PantsSetupKwargsRequest(SetupKwargsRequest):
def is_applicable(cls, target: Target) -> bool:
return isinstance(target, PantsPythonDistribution)
  1. Create a rule with your logic

Your rule should take as a parameter the SetupKwargsRequest from step 1. This type has two fields: target: Target and explicit_kwargs: dict[str, Any]. You can use these fields to get more information on the target you are generating a for.

Your rule should return SetupKwargs, which takes two arguments: kwargs: dict[str, Any] and address: Address.

For example, this will simply hardcode a kwarg:

from pants.backend.python.util_rules.package_dists import SetupKwargs
from pants.engine.rules import rule

async def setup_kwargs_plugin(request: CustomSetupKwargsRequest) -> SetupKwargs:
return SetupKwargs(
{**request.explicit_kwargs, "plugin_demo": "hello world"},

Update your plugin's to activate this file's rules.

from python_plugins import custom_python_artifact

def rules():
return custom_python_artifact.rules()

Then, run pants package path/to:python_distribution and inspect the generated setup.pyto confirm that your plugin worked correctly.

Often, you will want to read from a file in your project to set kwargs like version or long_description. Use await Get(DigestContents, PathGlobs) to do this (see File system):

from pants.backend.python.util_rules.package_dists import SetupKwargs
from pants.engine.fs import DigestContents, GlobMatchErrorBehavior, PathGlobs
from pants.engine.rules import rule

async def setup_kwargs_plugin(request: CustomSetupKwargsRequest) -> SetupKwargs:
digest_contents = await Get(
description_of_origin="`python_artifact()` plugin",
about_page_content = digest_contents[0].content.decode()
return SetupKwargs(
{**request.explicit_kwargs, "long_description": "\n".join(about_page_content)},

It can be helpful to allow users to add additional kwargs to their BUILD files for you to consume in your plugin. For example, this plugin adds a custom long_description_path field, which gets popped and replaced by the plugin with a normalized long_description kwarg:

generate_setup = True,
sdist = False,
import os.path

from pants.backend.python.util_rules.package_dists import SetupKwargs
from pants.engine.fs import DigestContents, GlobMatchErrorBehavior, PathGlobs
from pants.engine.rules import rule

async def setup_kwargs_plugin(request: CustomSetupKwargsRequest) -> SetupKwargs:
original_kwargs = request.explicit_kwargs.copy()
long_description_relpath = original_kwargs.pop("long_description_file", None)
if not long_description_relpath:
raise ValueError(
f"The python_distribution target {} did not include "
"`long_description_file` in its python_artifact's kwargs. Our plugin requires this! "
"Please set to a path relative to the BUILD file, e.g. ``."

build_file_path =
long_description_path = os.path.join(build_file_path, long_description_relpath)
digest_contents = await Get(
description_of_origin=f"the 'long_description_file' kwarg in {}",
description_content = digest_contents[0].content.decode()
return SetupKwargs(
{**original_kwargs, "long_description": "\n".join(description_content)},

Refer to these guides for additional things you may want to do in your plugin: